Thursday, October 30, 2014

Who says you have to be overweight to have to use antioxidant supplements? What’s so special about antioxidants is that they help your body stay healthy no matter how heavy or light you are. Why is that?

You’ve probably read a lot about studies on overweight people and how to antioxidant supplements helped them lose weight with little effort and even more weight when coupled with exercise and a proper diet. But how about people with normal weight or even those who are underweight? Where the studies say about them? Is antioxidant any good for the underweight people? Do they not need antioxidants? They do, actually and you can read more below about the reasons.

To begin with, there are different kinds of antioxidants. Some of them help control the oxidation processes in cells, just like control rods help control reactions in nuclear plants. They absorb or neutralize any excess free radicals. This allows a higher efficiency of burning. Other antioxidants don’t have to be so specific. They move about and try to fix anything they find wrong. What all of the antioxidants do is control the amount of free radicals that can damage your cells.

What do slim people need antioxidants for?

There are slim people who stay that way because of their great lifestyle, working out regularly and eating a properly balanced diet. They make sure they have a bit of everything in their lives, don’t consume anything excessively. But who can afford to live like that?

There are also people who are slim because of their fast metabolism. This means that they do eat a lot and it’s irrelevant whether they work out; their bodies burn food so fast that they simply can’t get fat

It’s not your fault if you have such a fast metabolism (image source:


How do antioxidants help slim people?

You already know that when you burn anything there are partly burned residues. You can see this happening when you burn a piece of paper, for example. You see fragments of black paper flying around.

This happens in cells too and, because oxygen is so reactive, there are many bits and pieces of molecules that roam free after the burning process. They are atoms, ions or molecules that have unpaired valence electrons or open electron shells.

Even more, when you burn anything in high amounts, the number of these free radicals rises too. This is the case with high metabolism people. So if you’re really slim even though you eat a lot and don’t work out, it’s your case too. You should make sure the levels of antioxidants in your body are high enough to protect you from the unwanted effects of free radicals! 

Look at all of those roaming free radicals (image source:

Since you have a lot of free radicals to deal with in the first place, you need higher amounts of antioxidants to keep the under control. A natural solution for you would be to eat high amounts of antioxidant rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables and animal organs. But that also means there is more food to burn, more free radicals, a higher need of antioxidants and so on. Just because you eat more, it doesn’t mean that your metabolism will slow down. More food actually puts more stress on your metabolism and makes it run erroneously.

An easier way to solve this problem is using antioxidant supplements that provide you with all the antioxidants your body needs, without adding the strain of extra food. Of course you should first talk to a nutritionist to see what they recommend for your particular case.

Frustrated Weight Loser Learns of Incredible Antioxidant Supplements

Are you overweight? Do you want to burn your excessive fat in a healthy way? Want to wear your beautiful dress but are you just not fitting into it? Tired and frustrated of trying all sorts of slimming diets, slimming exercises, slimming powders and etc? Don’t worry. There is a healthy way to obtain a slim and fit body. You can burn the excess fat and have a healthy body by consuming antioxidant supplements.

Burn the fat with antioxidant supplements. Image source:
One of the recent crazes in the market is antioxidant supplements. You can see them in almost every medical store. A myriad of antioxidant supplements are available in the market and most of the companies are producing them organically from plants and they have proven health benefits. Antioxidant supplements are very effective to lose the excessive weight of your body. Studies have shown that fruits such as raspberries, African mangos and acai berries are very effective in reducing the weight. For example, ketones present in the raspberries have lipolytic properties and they also stimulate the production of adiponectin which enhances metabolism and burns the excess fat. Catechins present in green tea help in weight loss. The mechanism through which most of the super antioxidant supplements help in weight loss is by increasing the metabolism of your body. And thereby they burn the excess fats and convert them into energy. So how does one choose a right antioxidant supplement? The type of the antioxidant supplements required varies from person to person depending on their lifestyle, health and medical conditions. You can consult your doctor before buying and consuming any antioxidant supplement. Your doctor will be able to suggest the right antioxidant supplement needed for your body type by checking your health conditions. 
Don’t just stop eating. Start eating a balanced diet. Image source:
Consuming a proper, balanced and healthy diet along with a combination of antioxidant supplements is very necessary. Antioxidant supplements work well only with a balanced diet. As I said, eating a balanced diet is very crucial. You don’t have to stop eating. You have to just start eating a healthy and balanced diet. If you just stop eating in order to lose the excessive weight, you are not supplying the essential nutrients and antioxidants which are necessary for the normal functioning of your body. The normal homeostasis in the body will be lost and you will end up worsening your health. Your cooking oil should contain more mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids. Stop eating fried foods, fast foods and canned foods containing a lot of preservatives. Instead go for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead of just eating only few types of fruits, you can make mixed fruit juices from different types of fruits. You can add yogurt or cinnamon or ginger to your fruit juices and you have to eat sugar and salt moderately. Remember that anything in excess is dangerous to health. So it is essential to incorporate a balanced diet in order to make antioxidant supplements work better. Along with a balanced diet, exercise regularly. That does not mean that you have to spend hours and hours in gym doing all sorts of exercises. Ask your fitness trainer, the type of exercises needed for your body type. If you have any medical problems, inform your trainer about them. Then your trainer will be able to suggest few exercises based on your body type and based on your health condition. You have to remember that quality is important than quantity. But the important thing is you have to exercise regularly. A proper well planned strategy is needed to achieve success in anything. Balanced diet, regular exercise and a combination of antioxidant supplements is just the right strategy you need to acquire a slim and fit body. Now you can take out your wonderful dress from your shelf and show off your curves.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Antioxidant Power – Antioxidant Supplements Store Offers Value

Antioxidants are of immense value and they play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy body. They help in boosting your immune system, preventing ageing, looking young and healthy and reducing your stress and fatigue. They fight and reduce the amount of free radicals which are produced during the oxidation of the food you eat. Free radicals lack an electron and are very unstable. In order to attain stability, they try interacting with other molecules and interfere with the normal cellular activity. Thereby these lethal free radicals damage the cells present in your body. Antioxidants supply the missing electron to the free radicals. Thereby free radicals attain stability and the oxidative stress caused by them is quenched. So antioxidants play a very crucial role in preventing the damage caused by free radicals thereby restoring and maintaining the functional activity of the cells.

Fruits and vegetables which contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and carotenoids are very rich in antioxidants. To name a few, fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C are limes, lemons, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, apples, pears, guavas, bell peppers, papayas, cranberries, raspberries, acai berries, maqui berries and oranges. Milk, mushrooms, fish and eggs are rich in vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight helps in the production of vitamin D in your body. Walnuts, apricots, almonds, corn and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E. Tomatoes (lycopenes), carrots (beta carotene), mangoes, spinach and African mangoes are rich in carotenoids and vitamin A.  Green tea and green coffee beans are also known to contain many antioxidants. If you don’t eat the food rich in antioxidants or if you are eating less than the required dosage, then it will affect the overall health of your body and you will be easily prone to infections. Usually you have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in order to obtain the required dosage which is somewhat difficult and a tedious job. And also, what if the necessary antioxidant rich food is not accessible to you and your family? Is there any alternative to fill the gap? Yes!! No need to worry because antioxidant supplements will fill the gap.

Always include a combination of antioxidants in your diet. 

Best Antioxidant Supplements are designed such that they contain the necessary elements in the required dosage to maintain a healthy body. They are available at affordable prices in many stores. An important advantage with antioxidant supplements is that you get a myriad of antioxidants in a single tablet. As different types of antioxidants are available in nature, it is better to consume a combination of antioxidants instead of just concentrating on few molecules. Recently, many antioxidant supplements are available in the market and they are plant based products, organic and healthy. Once you pick the right choice of antioxidant supplements necessary to your body, you are on the right track. Research a little from your friends and family and by consulting a doctor, you will easily find an antioxidant supplement having an immense value.

Stay healthy with the help of antioxidant supplements and exercise.

If you take antioxidant supplements along with a proper diet and exercise, you can observe the positive effect on your body at a faster pace. They act as stress busters by fighting and reducing the fatigue. They also remove the wastes in your body thereby detoxify and cleanse your body. That makes you look younger and healthier. They fight with a myriad of problems such as infections, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, bad cholesterol and even cancer. They have anti ageing properties and they make you look young and healthy. They not only hydrate your skin but also lessen the wrinkles, dryness and itchiness present in your skin. They boost your immune system which fights and avoids many infections and thereby the overall health of your body is improved. So that easily explains the power of antioxidants.

Mostly prior knowledge, but also:

Friday, October 17, 2014

Why Are Antioxidant Supplements the Latest Craze?

You probably know by now that antioxidants are naturally occurring substances found in plants and animals. Your body makes them in order to control the oxidation processes that happen in each cell. Oxidation is the process through which our bodies burn organic matter. This allows us to function, move and keep our temperatures constant. Sometimes, the burning process leaves fragments of molecules behind. These are called free radicals and they “attack” every other molecule they encounter, damaging the cells that contain them.

The antioxidants help keep the levels of free radicals in the body low enough that the damage they cause is minimal. Free radicals are unstable fragments of molecules that result from incomplete burning of organic matter in cells. After they are released in the blood flow, they attach to any molecule they find in their way through their extra electrons and damage the cells that contain these modified molecules. You will never be able to eliminate all of the free radicals in your body and it isn’t advisable to either.

Antioxidants come in many forms, either as vitamins like A, C and E, enzymes, or other kinds of proteins. They can be extracted from antioxidant-rich plants, such as the acai berries, the African mango, green coffee beans, green tea and raspberries.

Eat a balanced diet and stay fit 

The supplements are not meant to substitute a balanced diet, nor do they replace the need to exercise regularly. They are meant to give your body the extra little help it needs to keep the balance. They are not intended to be used in excess either and it’s important that you read and follow the dosing instructions on the product labels. As you well know, anything in excess can harm you.

So why the big antioxidant supplement craze lately? We’ve known for a long time of the benefits of vitamins in daily life. They invigorate us and help us fight off diseases. We know that when sailors who didn’t have access to fresh fruit for months at a time would end up without teeth and almost blind. But for many years now they’ve been produced from synthetic compounds, not made of natural products. Now you can easily find antioxidant supplement based on plant extracts from controlled environments. And since it’s the dawn of environmentalism and green living, it’s very important to know where your food comes from, including the dietary supplements.

Everyone wants to live a healthy life with as little effort as possible. So the emphasis on antioxidants and dietary supplements has risen in the media. This is partly due to the modern products based on plant extracts and their appeal, and partly due to controversial recent studies. Scientists published their studies on the effects of antioxidant supplements on the incidence of different kinds of diseases. They also studied the effects antioxidants have on frequent health conditions, such as heart disease and cancer.

What they don’t take into account is that there are many factors at play in ill people’s lives, not just the intake of vitamins and food enzymes. Antioxidant supplements are intended to complete a healthy lifestyle; different kinds of supplements might be needed for different people with their different diets and workout regimen, work-related kinds of stress (intellectual, physical or social) and leisure time activities. They are not intended to fight off symptoms of diseases.

Recently, the market has boomed with online and offline stores that sell antioxidant supplements, some as a part of a larger offering, some as stand-alone distributors of antioxidant supplements. The best way to choose the one suitable to you is to first decide which supplements your body and lifestyle need. For that you should first do the routine medical check, then consult a nutritionist or your general practitioner who will recommend the proper supplement you need.

Dandelions - an excellent source of vitamin A

You might be having a vitamin A deficiency, but don’t have access to fresh fruits and green vegetables. You also probably don’t like eating liver or dandelions, so the nutritionist might recommend vitamin A supplements. Of course you should try your best at incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, but sometimes they’re not enough.

The next step is finding a reliable provider and there you shouldn’t have a problem. Follow other people’s reviews, see what they recommend, either online or offline and don’t give up quality for a cheap item that might as well be sugar capsules.

Be careful and choose your supplements and provider wisely and don’t forget to live a balanced life!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Get Rid of Those Toxins Once and For All

What qualify as toxins?

As the definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary states, a toxin is a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation.

Thus, residues from the metabolic processes in your body (breaking down and burning food for energy and heat), residues from food (especially animal-derived food) and byproducts of the building processes qualify as a toxins, as well as many substances from the environment. Some of these by-products are the free radicals resulting from burning nutrients in your cells.

Environmental toxins vary from biological ones (produced by all the phyla of the living - bacteria, protozoans, fungi, plants and animals) to heavy metals, dust particles and synthetic compounds such as pesticides and fertilizers. They can all enter your body through the airways and ingestion and accumulate especially in the fatty tissues.

How do toxins act?
Toxins in your body only have visible effects in a certain concentration. But since many of them are difficult to remove without proactive action, in your daily life they will accumulate and surely surpass that concentration threshold. The effects are various: from simple fatigue, skin irritations and digestive problems, lack of proper sleep and dehydration, they can get to acute or chronic diseases in people highly exposed to toxins, such as those working in harsh environments and the heavy smokers.

Natural toxin removal mechanisms
Most toxins have a specific removal mechanism in the body. Our kidneys’ role is cleaning the blood at all times, removing the well-known nutrient burning by-products, such as urea and ammonium. They also maintain the balance of electrolytes, the acid-base balance and regulate the blood pressure, by filtering the salts in the blood. 
Best Antioxidant supplements
Best Antioxidant supplements
The kidneys are the most important in toxin removal in your body. 

Other removal mechanisms for toxins are sweating and crying. You know tears taste salty, but along with the salt there are other substances that get out while crying or sweating, such as many organic compounds that we ingest with food, drinks or while smoking (all the toxins in cigarette smoke, trace amounts of pesticides and their by-products, fertilizers, bacterial and fungal toxins).

How do you get rid of toxins for good?
First of all, if you have a balanced life with stress levels under control, a complex and variable diet, have a small intake of drugs (including tobacco and alcohol), exercise regularly and drink enough water you should be fine. But usually this is not the case. Which is why first you should try to help the natural detoxification processes in your body by ensuring enough (but not excessive) hydration to that your kidneys may function properly.

You should also try to minimize the stress factors in your life by following a schedule that leaves time for leisurely activities and by worrying less. It is well-known that stress induces an accumulation of toxins.

If you smoke, consider lowering your cigarette intake and finally quitting, since this habit might undermine all the other detoxification mechanisms. Also, if you find that you drink more than one glass of wine/beer per day, consider lowering the amount so that you can enjoy the benefits of alcohol, instead of bringing such a big strain on your liver and kidneys. 

Best Antioxidant supplements
Best Antioxidant supplements

Sweating is healthy and helps you get rid of toxins. 
Exercise, sweat and let the sweat glands do the detoxification. You need to get to an exercise difficulty that challenges your body into burning excess deposits and removing the toxins stored there

Another way to help your body remove toxins is making sure vitamins and minerals are at proper levels. You could even add natural antioxidant enzyme supplements to your diet after consulting a nutritionist. Best Antioxidant Supplements  help by trapping free radicals and not letting them do any damage to your cells.
